Keep track of your business finances in real-time. Monitor every detail you need to grow faster, stay profitable, and comply with financial regulations.
All-In-One Business Finance Solution
Automate your bookkeeping; skip the boring manual records
Manage your inventory in real-time
Stay on top of your inventory with MoniWave. Effortlessly track stock levels, manage purchases, and monitor sales for a seamless inventory control experience.
Track balances in real time
Gain instant insights into your financial health with MoniFlow. Track balances in real-time, empowering you to make informed business decisions.
Reconcile payments automatically
Reduce errors and streamline your reconciliation process. MoniFlow automatically reconciles payments, ensuring accuracy in your financial records.
Benefits of accounting software for your small business
Customer Management
Easily manage all your customer information in one place
Supplier Management
Streamline your supplier management processes efficiently
Employee Management
Centralize employee information and manage payroll effortlessly
Sales Management
Easily make sales using the POS and manage sales from invoices
Quotation Management
Send quotations to the customers and easily make sales from the quotations
Purchase Management
Purchases will automatically increase the product stock in the Inventory
Loan Management
Manage your term & CC loans easily using the Loan Management Module
Expenses Management
Manage your company expenses by category and subcategory
Asset Management
Asset management module helps manage assets including their depreciation
Payroll Management
Keep track of employee payroll and easily manage their deduction and increments
Accounting Management
Account management help to manage your cash and bank account transactions
Payments Management
Easily manage customer invoice payments and supplier purchase payments